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The main occupation of the nation in ASEAN

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Agriculture is a profession that involves the cultivation of crops and raising animals. Which has been the main occupation of Thai people for a long time Agriculture that should be known as follows     1. Rice farming is the majority of Thai occupation since the past, because Thai people eat rice as the main food People who work in rice farming are called farmers. Farmers are therefore important workers because they produce rice to feed people in the country. Farmers are regarded as the backbone of the nation.     2. A gardening career is a career that grow vegetables or fruits. Those who are engaged in gardening are called gardeners, namely planting fruit, vegetables or flowers. Gardening in each region is based on the climate. Northern region grow vegetables And various winter fruits Southern region: rubber plantations, coconut plantations, Eastern region: fruit orchards such as rambutan, durian etc.    3. Farming Profession is a profession that grow crops such as sugarcane, corn,


About 80% of Vietnam's population is agricultureers. Rice, rubber, tea, coffee, tobacco, pepper Fisheries such as catching fish, squid, shrimp,The important industry is weaving.The main mines are coal, petroleum. And natural gas (Vietnam is the 3rd largest exporter of crude oil in Southeast Asia, next to Indonesia and Malaysia), with the purchase of electricity from Nanan Province, China.  


Agriculture is the main occupation. The agricultural area is the Delta, Irrawaddy River, Satun River, Dawei-Myik River, rice planting, jute, jute, sugarcane and other tropical plants, petroleum in the northeast region, zinc ore mining and Southeast region, tin mining in the region. South of Mergui has many diamonds and jade.Forests are forestry production in the north. Export, sell and cruise along the Irrawaddy River to Yangon. Industrial development is in the lower areas such as Yangon and Myeik, and Dawei is the largest shipbuilding industry in Myanmar. Is the least developed country.


Trade and industry Singapore is the 4th largest port in the world. Each year there are at least 4,000 vessels passing through and out of the harbor. Singapore has approximately 2400 industrial plants. The oil refining industry is a modern factory. And the largest and most modern in Southeast Asia. Produce from industrial plants such as aluminum, coconut, rubber, home appliances, electric appliances etc.Singapore is a port of destination. Meaning no luxury goods tax Therefore making the tourism industry Making income for the country another way for agricultural products is not enough to meet the needs of the population in the country. Therefore have to purchase a lot of foreign foods, such as rice, vegetables, fruits, spices, especially from Thailand.


Farming occupation, 50% of the countryIndustry (tourism factories offering a variety of services) 30%Other occupations 20%, people's income comes from agriculture 43.50%, industrial 30.50% and services 26.00%. Laos's occupation is 80%, mainly related to agriculture, including agriculture (rice planting), tobacco, maize, coffee, vegetables and Forest products   


Agriculture and economic crops are very important.such Coconut, sugarcane, hemp, abaca and rice.Forests have dense forests. A major income is mahogany.Philippines mines do not have tin ore, important export minerals are iron, chromium, copper, silver, domestic industries such as pulp mills, wood processing