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Trade and industry Singapore is the 4th largest port in the world. Each year there are at least 4,000 vessels passing through and out of the harbor. Singapore has approximately 2400 industrial plants. The oil refining industry is a modern factory. And the largest and most modern in Southeast Asia. Produce from industrial plants such as aluminum, coconut, rubber, home appliances, electric appliances etc.Singapore is a port of destination. Meaning no luxury goods tax Therefore making the tourism industry Making income for the country another way for agricultural products is not enough to meet the needs of the population in the country. Therefore have to purchase a lot of foreign foods, such as rice, vegetables, fruits, spices, especially from Thailand.
ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ หอกลั่นน้ํามัน"
ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ ท่าเรือ"


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Farming occupation, 50% of the countryIndustry (tourism factories offering a variety of services) 30%Other occupations 20%, people's income comes from agriculture 43.50%, industrial 30.50% and services 26.00%. Laos's occupation is 80%, mainly related to agriculture, including agriculture (rice planting), tobacco, maize, coffee, vegetables and Forest products